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Traditional Online Learning

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What happens when traditional learners miss physically touching a textbook or writing a paper on a notebook instead of in their computer? Many online students complain that everything they do is computer-based. This becomes frustrating and many students think that this is not what they signed up for. So, what can students do in order to still have that traditional feel of school, even if they are studying online?

  1. Go to your library! You can still pick up books at the library, even if the library is closed. Do an online order to pick up your books and return curbside. This way, you are not just studying from your computer only. You can actually turn the pages on a book to break up the monotony.
  2. Use an audiobook. You can listen to your schoolbook while you are driving, exercising, or working on other tasks. You can listen to these books that you need to complete for school while you’re learning a new cooking recipe.
  3. Don’t forget to meet with your teachers and counselors in person if your school allows it. It’s important to have physical interaction with the people that are helping you accomplish your goals. Don’t forget about the resources you have at your disposal.
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