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Many students are finding themselves being pulled out of in-class learning because of the pandemic. Going from in-person learning to online learning can be stressful. Not only are students having to deal with more technical issues, but they are frustrated by the whole situation.

Therefore, many schools are getting requests from students to move fully to online learning in order to complete their studies and not have to worry about going back and forth from in-person to online learning. Even those students who prefer to stay in person and have a teacher in front of them are rethinking the stress changing back and forth causes them.

With employers now accepting of online degrees the same as a brick-and-mortar college degree, many students are just ready to finish up and keep on track without the stress. The only issue may be that students have to contact their school in order to switch fully to online learning and make sure that they have the degree fully online. It is worth asking since many students are frustrated and are changing schools or quitting because of the back and forth. Find what is right for you, and your mental health by asking questions with your teachers, counselors and administration at the school you go to before transferring or quitting all together.

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