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Studies Show Employees Hate Meetings

By Management Tips

In a recent poll by online collaboration company Clarizen, 46 percent of people said they would rather do anything else than sit in a meeting at work. Seventeen percent said they would even rather watch paint dry.

Whether you call them status meetings, team meetings or check-ins, your employees are bound to hate them. But that doesn’t mean you should eliminate them altogether.

Instead of a meeting, try switching it up with a fun activity. Or try meeting standing up. The change in pace will bring the team together to collaborate, bond and share ideas.

photo credit: Notes from a Meeting via photopin (license)

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What Not to Say in an Interview

By Interview Tips

Whether your interviewer is asking “how would you describe yourself in three words” or “how would your colleagues describe you” or any other variation, you always need to be mindful of the words you’re using. There are some words that you should never use in an interview:


Use instead: Logical, Fast Learner, Quantitative


Use instead: Team Player, Outgoing, Enthusiastic


Use instead: Point out your relevant skills and experience


Use instead: Focused, Detail-Oriented, Dedicated


Use instead: Employ the “show don’t tell” strategy and state only facts

Image via Flickr/By Jonathan Mueller

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How Caffeine is Killing Your Performance

By Management Tips

The daily cup of joe is a necessity for most working individuals, but it’s actually hurting your potential for success far more than it’s helping it. Many people drink caffeinated beverages because they help you feel more alert and improve your mood.

Studies show that caffeine intake can even improve cognitive task performance, including memory, attention span and more, in the short-term. However, most of these studies don’t take into account participants’ daily habits.

What is actually happening for a lot of people is that drinking caffeine is not improving performance but actually initiating a caffeine withdrawal reversal.

photo credit: IMGP3324 via photopin (license)

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