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Interview Tips

How to Land Your Dream Job

By Interview Tips

Finding that dream job isn’t easy. But with confidence and sincerity, you’ll make it much more likely to land the perfect position.

You should first have a concrete vision of your career goals. Don’t limit yourself to just salary or job title. Know exactly what you want to do and where you want to go.

In the interview, you need to clearly show how your career vision aligns with the position. You want to show the hiring manager that you will be a good fit.

Image via Flickr/Roberto Ventre

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How to Make Yourself More Likeable

By Interview Tips

Not everyone is charismatic and likeable naturally. But by doing a few simple things, you can make more people like you and become happier in the process.

Look for the little things. Make it a point to say something nice to your peers every day. You’ll find yourself paying more attention to the people you work with – as you should!

Ask questions about people’s interests. When you talk to people about their interests, you show that you see them as more than just their jobs.

Offer to do small favors. When you see that people are in need of assistance, ask to help. Don’t wait for them to ask you; volunteer yourself to show initiative.

Image via Flickr/Sarah Reid

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How to Answer ‘What’s Your Dream Job?’ in an Interview

By Interview Tips

It can be difficult to articulate your ideal job – especially in an interview. You know your interviewer is going to be judging your response, so how do you decide what to say?

Think about your dream job as a combination of your skills, interests and values. Talk about your skills to show what you’re good at. Share your interests to show the big picture. What drew you to the industry initially? Lastly, your values will bring the focus back to the company and how you could make a good fit.

Don’t feel like you need to mention a specific job title. This way, you’ll show your flexibility and you’ll give the recruiter a chance to get to know you better.

Image via Flickr/Alex France

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Is it Time to Switch Up Your Networking Strategy?

By Interview Tips

There’s no doubt that networking is important. But sometimes you could be networking and networking and still not getting any results. Maybe people are turning down your meeting requests or finding reasons to cut your conversations short.

If you find these things happening to you, you may not be networking the right way. There are certain types of networkers you never want to be.

Don’t over-communicate. You might be excited about making a connection, but too many emails, tweets and phone calls could send your contact over the edge. Play it cool instead.

Be confident, not cocky. While you should put your best foot forward, you shouldn’t bore your contact by only talking about yourself.

Image via Flickr/Flazingo Photos

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What Not to Say in an Interview

By Interview Tips

Whether your interviewer is asking “how would you describe yourself in three words” or “how would your colleagues describe you” or any other variation, you always need to be mindful of the words you’re using. There are some words that you should never use in an interview:


Use instead: Logical, Fast Learner, Quantitative


Use instead: Team Player, Outgoing, Enthusiastic


Use instead: Point out your relevant skills and experience


Use instead: Focused, Detail-Oriented, Dedicated


Use instead: Employ the “show don’t tell” strategy and state only facts

Image via Flickr/By Jonathan Mueller

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