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Interview Tips

How to Make a Strong First Impression

By Interview Tips

Making a great first impression is always important, especially when trying to get a new job. Check out our five tips for acing the interview and moving forward to the next step:

  1. Re-read the job description and talk about how it connects to your experience
  2. Research the company and ask questions about its operations
  3. Have a list of references ready
  4. Never speak negatively about a former job or employer
  5. Be aware to your body language and keep calm at all times

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Why Learning on the Job is a Great Thing

By Interview Tips

When going through job ads and descriptions, it is easy to think that you are not qualified enough when you don’t meet all of the criteria. However, if you feel like you can learn on the job what you don’t know, you should apply. Hiring managers want people who can complete the tasks in a way that they like it done, so often times it is better to teach new employees how to do things the company way. Be sure that your CV looks as best as possible to fit the position at hand.

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How to Nail a Thank You Note

By Interview Tips

Many job seekers forget one important thing- a thank you note. But, don’t think that having a “one fit all” letter will do the job, because the last thing an HR employee wants to see is a boring email once again. Craft a unique and original note for each interviewer, and make it personal. You should make them realize what you bring to the table and how you can contribute to their company.

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How to Sound Like a Hero in an Interview

By Interview Tips

When you’re talking about yourself in an interview, the way you answer certain questions can mean the difference between getting the job and not getting the job.

Be prepared with your answers. Recruiters love to ask behavioral questions (a time when you…) so make sure you have a few good anecdotes to fall back on.

Don’t be shy! When you’re telling a story about yourself, make sure you mention the parts that make yourself look good. After all, you want to give the recruiter a good impression.

Image via Flickr/Anders Ruff Custom Designs

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How to Be the Most Likable Person in a Room

By Interview Tips

Some people just naturally have charisma. But while being irresistible may seem like magic, you can learn some of their secrets to become just as likable.

Learn to read people. Instead of treating everyone the way you’d like to be treated, pay attention and discern what each individual needs and how they want to specifically be treated by you.

Avoid small talk. Stop talking about things like the weather or traffic and turn the conversation into something more interesting and meaningful.

Image via Flickr/David Goerhing

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Why You Shouldn’t Follow Your Passion

By Interview Tips

It’s easy for people to give the advice to follow your passion. But sometimes following your passion isn’t what’s best for your career and for yourself.

Your passion is difficult to define. You may enjoy multiple things equally. Instead, you should focus on what you’re good at.

Your passion may change. You don’t always love the same things for your entire life. Even if you love a job now, you might feel differently in five years.

Image via Flickr/Alan Levine

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How to Find a Great Mentor

By Interview Tips

Having a mentor on your side can be a huge help in the job search process. To find and keep a good one, you need to know how to first build the relationship.

Start by knowing exactly what you want. Decide what you want out of the mentor relationship and how you want it to work before pursuing one.

Don’t make up any problems. When your mentor asks you how they can help, have an answer ready, so that you don’t have to make up a problem on the spot.

Image via Flickr/U.S. Army RDECOM

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What to Negotiate When Relocating for a Job

By Interview Tips

Moving can be a hassle – even if you’re doing it for the job of your dreams. When you’re negotiating an out-of-state job, there are certain things you should ask for to make your transition easier.

Ask your company to allow you and your family to take a relocation scouting trip. These trips give you the opportunity to look for a place to live and to scout the area and get to know it better.

Temporary housing, if available, is a great benefit. Getting a one or two month housing option takes the pressure off and gives you plenty of time to find someplace more permanent.

Image via Flickr/Harry

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