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Tips for Good Management Pt. 2

By Management Tips

If you’re a manager or are moving into a new management role, you’ll want to make sure that you’re amicable while aiming to be respected by your team.

To build off our previous post, here are some tips you should keep in mind:

  1. Offer performance reviews to discuss how your team members are doing.
  2. Offer feedback to your team members to improve their skills.
  3. Squash any issues.
  4. Provide events like happy hours for your team to bond.
  5. Praise your team when they’re doing well.

Tips for Good Management Pt. 1

By Management Tips

Leading a team is a huge responsibility, but it can also be incredibly exhausting. Here are a few things you can do to ensure you’re a good manager:

  1. Bring the right people onto your team.
  2. Set goals that your team can easily meet.
  3. Set an achievable mission your whole team can strive toward.
  4. Communicate openly with your team.
  5. Practice time management skills.

Finding Remote Jobs

By Interview Tips

If you’re someone who has moved into a full-time remote role or was laid off because of Covid-19, you might considering your options for working remotely. Luckily, there are plenty of full-time jobs that accommodate that.

Early on in the pandemic, major tech companies like Facebook and Google announced that they would make a more concerted effort to hire people who will be full-time remote employees. There are also companies that hire virtual assistants, who are full-time remote executive and office assistants that can manage affairs from the comfort of their homes.

Coming Across Professional on Zoom Calls

By Interview Tips

If you’re looking for a new job, there’s a good chance you’re going to have to interview for it on Zoom (or another type of video platform) during the Covid-19 pandemic. With that in mind, here are a few tips for looking as professional as possible:

  1. Dress as if you’re going to an in-person interview.
  2. Be mindful so you don’t accidentally speak over the interviewer.
  3. Don’t have other tabs open or anything distracting because looking at the camera is the new keeping eye contact.
  4. Set up a quiet space for yourself where you won’t be disturbed.
  5. Make sure to send your resume over digitally beforehand.

How to Find an Internship

By Interview Tips

Getting an internship can be the first step in kickstarting your career. Here is how you can land the perfect internship to help you get off on the right foot:

  1. Network.
  2. Use your social media to find opportunities.
  3. List your relevant experience.
  4. Succeed in your interview.
  5. Send a follow up.

Navigating the Job Market During Covid

By Interview Tips

When you’re looking for jobs during this stressful time, you’ll want to keep the following tips in mind:

  1. The hiring process will be slower than usual.
  2. Apply for way more than you would have pre-Covid.
  3. Apply for jobs every day.
  4. Be open to taking a temporary job if needed.
  5. Set job alerts for yourself.
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