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Management Tips

How the Color of Your Office is Affecting Your Productivity

By Management Tips

Productivity doesn’t just depend on learning how to make your mind focus and managing time well. Little things can also influence it, such as the room temperature, your office supplies and your morning cup of joe.

Color is one of those little things that can influence your efficiency, too. Studies show white office walls have a negative effect on productivity, since they can resemble clinical settings.

Redecorating your office space with colors like blue for stability and calmness, green for working long hours, and yellow for optimism and creativity might be just what you need to maximize your productivity.

Image via Flickr/Capture Queen

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How to Stay Focused All Day Long

By Management Tips

When you have a lot to do, it can be difficult to stay focused. Instead of paying attention to all kinds of things, try focusing on just one thing at a time. Don’t let technology interrupt you, so that you can get more accomplished.

Group similar tasks together. Instead of jumping from project to project, try working on all related tasks at the same time.

Avoiding daydreaming is always a challenge. Try setting a goal to stay focused for a set amount of time. After that time is up, then you can take a break.

Image via Flickr/Chris Dlugosz

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What to Do When a Co-Worker Lies

By Management Tips

Everyone lies. But most people do it to keep the peace or make someone feel better. It’s when a co-worker’s lie starts affecting your work and your company that it becomes a problem.

Before you rat them out, make sure you have your facts straight. You don’t want to call them a liar, only to find out they’d been telling the truth the whole time.

Make sure bringing the lie to light will be beneficial. If you’re confronting someone for the wrong reasons, chances are the lie is better left in the dark.

Image via Flickr/einalem

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Why Your Feedback is Making Things Worse

By Management Tips

Feedback can be a powerful opportunity for growth in your company, but if done insufficiently it can be detrimental to progress. Leaders dread giving feedback, but your employees are actually craving it.

If you fear giving feedback, it will show. You shouldn’t be afraid to hurt your employee’s feelings. If your feedback is useful, constructive and well-thought out, they’ll understand where you’re coming from and take it to heart.

Don’t do it halfway. This feedback is important to both your employee and your company. You want to make sure it will have a positive impact.

Image via Flickr/Alan Levine

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What to Do on Your Lunch Break to be Successful

By Management Tips

Not getting up and stepping away from your desk during your lunch hour could actually be hurting your work performance. Instead of staying chained to your desk, try switching it up and doing an activity that could help you be more productive and successful.

Try using your lunch break to exercise. Whether you go to the gym or just take a walk around the block, getting the blood pumping will benefit you greatly.

Don’t eat lunch at your desk; share your lunch hour with others instead. Take the time to chat and bond with your peers, and you might end up learning something in the process.

Image via Flickr/Randy Heinitz

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How You Should be Managing Millennials

By Management Tips

Millennials have been characterized as stubborn and independent, making them difficult employees to manage. In a multi-generational workforce, it can be a challenge to conquer the miscommunication that can occur.

Understanding that millennials have the same goals and want to succeed just as much as you do is the first step.

Millennials are bound to ask the question “why?” When assigning work, make sure you explain the reasons for your decisions so that your employees will understand the meaning behind what they need to do.

Image via Flickr/Timothy Vollmer

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Why Working Outside Can Benefit You Professionally

By Management Tips

Connecting with nature can often have a positive effect on your mood and your well-being. When you choose to take your work outside, you might find yourself being more productive and enjoying yourself more.

The outdoor stimulation can be a welcome change from the office environment. The relaxing natural habitat can help to reduce stress and focus more on the tasks at hand.

You’ll also benefit physically. There are countless studies that show sitting at a desk all day is detrimental to your health. But when you work outside, you’ll be more inclined to get up and move around.

Image via Flickr/Office Now

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Why Your Company Needs Meetings

By Management Tips

Whether you’re a small or large business, holding regularly scheduled meetings is crucial to your success. Meetings will help improve overall communication in a way that emails and phone calls can’t.

Meetings also provide a good opportunity to address issues. They’ll also ensure that the problems are resolved, so that they do not continue to come up in the meetings. Employees can also provide status updates, so you can hold them accountable to their projects.

It doesn’t matter how long the meeting is. Even just 10 minutes can help a company encourage growth and solve any problems you’re experiencing.

Image via Flickr/Simon Blackley

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Learn How to Delegate Tasks to Your Team

By Management Tips

Giving your employees work that falls outside their comfort zones is one of the best ways to encourage growth. But delegating tasks is not always easy. Employees may complain, especially if the task does not fall in their normal set of duties. They may claim “that’s not my job.”

It’s important for managers to frame the task in a way that is beneficial and appeals to the employee’s interests. The employee needs to be motivated to do the task. They’ll think “what’s in it for me?”

You’ll need to sell the project to your employee, pushing the benefits hard. Also, show your support and offer assistance if needed.

Image via Flickr/

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The Trick to Sounding More Confident: Fake it Til You Make it

By Management Tips

When you sound more confident, you can do better in job interviews, presentations, and develop better business relationships. In fact, confidence can do a lot for you in life. But sometimes it can be difficult to sound confident when you don’t feel it.

One trick to speaking more authoritatively is to speak slowly. When you speak fast, you’re more likely to make errors and sound shaky. Slow your speech to give weight to what you’re saying and allow your audience to take in your message.

Another strategy is to use pauses. Pauses will help you to speak slower and give more impact to your words. You’ll also have a chance to collect your thoughts as you pause and prepare for what you’re going to say next.

photo credit: Career Fair at College of DuPage 2014 53 via photopin (license)

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