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What to do When You Get Consumed with Work

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It is easy to feel that all you do is work, because most of our day we do spend at work. However, it is important to remember that our job doesn’t define who we are and that it is only a part of our life. We can’t think that a great job or a career will give us meaning, because it is all about the journey, the things we learn, the people we meet, and what we accomplish. If you feel consumed by work, take some time to think about what kind of things make you happy, which hobbies you enjoy, and pick up the phone to speak to a loved one.

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How to Get Ready for an Evening Shift After Work

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Balancing parenting and working full time can be challenging, especially with young children who require a lot of attention and care in the evening hours. It is important to remember that often times your mood and your tone will set the atmosphere in the house, so even if you had the worst day in the office, it is best not to bring that energy inside your home. If possible, go straight to the shower and take few minutes to relax and wash the day off. Also, grab a snack and some water to feel better to more energized.

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When Not to Talk Politics or Religion

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Jenny Korn, scholar of online identity at the University of Illinois at Chicago, talks about raising controversial topics on social media, things related to sexual intimacy, or a personal issue at work. “There’s an old adage that goes: ‘Do not share things that you would not want your mother, boss or priest to know,'” he says. Some things you may consider posting can seriously hurt someone else, and affect affect work relations. If you need to talk to someone or vent, pick a trusted friend and have a conversation.

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Food and Your Work Day

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Many workers report feeling heavy and drowsy after a big lunch, and often times it hurts their ability to function and remain alert on the job. Bringing healthy snacks to nibble on throughout the day can be a great solution to keep hunger at bay, as well as eating a good yet light lunch. Keeping hydrated is super important too, as well as getting a good rest at night.

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How to Feel Happier at Work

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It is difficult to enjoy your time at work if there are people that talk negatively and lower your moral. Try to stay away from them as much as possible and not take part in hose type of conversations. Do your best to be around employees who are happy to be there and love what they do. Furthermore, extending your relationship to meetings after work and mutual lunches outside can make you feel even better about coming to work every day.

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How to Work on Your Image

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We can be all that we decide to be, so it is important to truly think about the image you want to have at work. Make a list of the qualities and behaviors that you want to showcase, and when at work, be sure that you do so. Take a loot at your friends on the job and see if they fit in your plan or interfere with it. You can always try hard to inspire then to be better!

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